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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor laoreet massa vitae commodo. Mauris suscipit, augue ac accumsan posuere, elit augue interdum velit, et suscipit magna dolor vel...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor laoreet massa vitae commodo. Mauris suscipit, augue ac accumsan posuere, elit augue interdum velit, et suscipit magna dolor vel ante. Vestibulum a sapien quis felis tempor consequat in at turpis. Nulla nec odio nibh, eu condimentum mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras rutrum, ipsum et laoreet euismod, mi nisl scelerisque lectus, et...
Products can have multiple thumbnails
Upsells are a great way to increase sales by offering incentives to purchase more. This can be discounting the price and/or offering free shipping on the product if purchased with an item. The...
Upsells are a great way to increase sales by offering incentives to purchase more. This can be discounting the price and/or offering free shipping on the product if purchased with an item. The related items below are shown at a discounted rate with free shipping. Individually the items are priced at $60 (click on the product to see the individual pricing). However, if marked as an upsell with this product, they can be purchased for a discounted rate and free shipping for just that product. ...
This is an example of product variants such as size and color. Display Options: Dropdowns, Check boxes, Radio Buttons Pricing Options: Several pricing options are available such as fixed dollar...
This is an example of product variants such as size and color. Display Options: Dropdowns, Check boxes, Radio Buttons Pricing Options: Several pricing options are available such as fixed dollar amount increase/decrease, percentage of amount increase/decrease. Weight/Shipping: Different weights for variants are supported to ensure shipping rates are calculated correctly. Inventory Tracking at Variant Level: Variant level inventory tracking helps ensure stock quantities can be tracked accurately...